Gains and Losses

The Gains and Losses screen shows all realized gains or losses on security trades. Gains (or losses) only become realized when a security position is closed (i.e. sold or short covered). Interest received or paid and dividends received are also considered realized gains or losses. Any stock that is still held in your portfolio will not be listed on this page; gains and losses for securities still held in the portfolio are unrealized.

Account Summary


Interest and Dividends Formula

Interest and Dividends is the total interest and dividends received.

Formula: Interest and Dividends = interest received on cash in account + dividends received from securities held in the portfolio - interest paid on money borrowed (i.e., if you are on margin)

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Shares or $Value

Shares or $Value are the number of stock or mutual fund shares sold or the dollar value of a bond sold (per $100 for municipal and corporate bonds or $1,000 for treasury bonds).

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Original Cost Formula

In a long position, the Original Cost is the total amount paid (including fees and commission) for the security you purchased.

Formula: Original Cost (stocks) = Net Cost per Share x Shares
Formula: Original Cost (bonds) = $100 x $Value

Hot Tip :

In a short position, the Original Cost is the amount of money received (minus commission fees) from the short sale of stock.

Original Cost (amount received from short sale) = $24.98 x 50 = $1,249.49

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Net Cost Per Share or $100 Formula

In a long position, the Net Cost Per Share or $100 per bond is the cost of each share of stock or mutual fund when purchased, including commission fees or the dollar value/$100 for a bond.

Formula: Net Cost Per Share or $100 = Original Cost / Shares or $Value

Hot Tip :

In a short position, the Net Cost Per Share is the amount received per share (minus the commission fee) from the short sale.

Net Cost Per Share = $1,249.49 / 50 = $24.98

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Proceeds Formula

For securities in the long position, the Proceeds are the amount received on the sale of the security, minus the commission.

Formula: Proceeds = Net Sale Per Share or $100 x Shares or $Value (The Net Sale Price already includes the cost of commission fees.)

Hot Tip :

In a short position, the Proceeds is the amount paid (including commission fees) to cover the short.

Proceeds (amount paid when the stock was short covered) = $25.78 x 50 = 1,289.28

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Net Sale Per Share or $100 Formula

The Net Sale Per Share or $100 is the price per share when sold, minus commission fees for stocks and mutual funds and the Net Sale Per $100 of bonds, minus commission fees.

Formula: Net Sale Per Share or $100 = Proceeds / Shares or $Value

Hot Tip :

In a short position, the Net Sale Price is the cost of each share, including commission fees, to cover the short.

Net Sale Price = $1,289.28 / 50 = $25.78

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Gains and Losses Formula

The Gains or Losses is the dollar amount earned or lost on that trade.
Formula: Gain (or Loss) = Proceeds - Original Cost

Hot Tip :

To calculate the Gains and Losses for a short position, consider both the Proceeds and the Original Cost to be negative numbers.

Gains or Losses = $1,289.28 - ($1,249.49) = -$39.79 (loss)

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Gains or Losses % Formula

The Gains or Losses % is the percent that you have made or lost on a trade.
Formula: Gains or Losses % = Gain (or Loss) for a security / Original Cost of that security.

Hot Tip :

You may see an entry on this that shows the net cost as $INF and the net sale cost will appear as N,aNQ. This indicates that a corporate action of some kind has taken place and if it involved replacing a security you held with a new security, there will be a corresponding entry listing the new security on the Account Holdings page. Teams will need to compare the loss shown with the unrealized gain on the Account Holdings page to determine the true gain or loss. The Transaction History page will show that no dollar amounts were involved in this exchange.
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