Welcome to The Stock Market Game

This is where the introduction content from the specific state/region will be located from a database call.

Requirements for Participation

This is where specific content will be called by database.

Team Fees and Payment

This is where specific content explaining the fees will be called by database with links to specific payment pages

Competitive Divisions and Awards

This is where specific content will be called by database.

Teacher Training

This is where specific content will be called by database.

Register Now!

This is where specific content will be called by database.

The list below will then take you to the proper registration form:

  • Teacher with Class(es): Teacher pre-registering one or more classes ( 4-12  Adult  Post-secondary) - CLICK HERE
  • Teacher wishing to participate as an individual in the separate teacher only game. - CLICK HERE
  • Adult/Parent&Child: Individuals wishing to participate in a separate game. - CLICK HERE
  • Post Secondary College or other educational institution student wishing to participate as an individual in the separate post secondary only game. - CLICK HERE


This is the contact information of the specific coordinator from database call.

About Us

This is where the specific About Us information will be called from database, including any images or logos of the institution.

Our Sponsors

This is where the specific Sponsorsinformation will be called from database

Game Dates

This is where the specific information will be called from database regarding the current game dates.